Thursday, January 24, 2013

Getting a cat from a shelter

Interesting fact for you actually, do you know what is the first country in terms of cat population? As a clue, the amount of cat overcomes the amount of inhabitants in France of 15% and is 8 times more than Sweden population. Indeed, the amount of cat for this country is over 76 millions, and belongs to the...USA (like always first in many area, even the most ludicrous one). USA, whose results is one cat out of four inhabitants, is followed by China (53 millions), Russia and Brazil (12 millions) and France (9 millions).
Regarding Sweden, the ratio is one cat for six inhabitants (1.6 million), and the number of shelters increased drastically this last ten years.

That's the reason why I decided to get a cat from a shelter, rather than to get one on some random websites. Actually I even paid to get her (1000kr). I guess this money allows the running of the shelter and it even included the castration surgery. So that was pretty cool, not having anything to do, since everything was fixed. However, when I left my cat (Kiwi) this morning to the veterinarian for the castration I did not really like it. Even though it's a simple surgery, i have bad memories of veterinarians. Last time I went there, it was two years ago, and it's a bad memory for me. Indeed, I had to euthanize my German shepherd (RIP Sissi) because of a cancer. She already had a surgery 3 years ago but the tumor came back and that time there was no other solution, so very sad time for me and my family. Anyway, now lilla Kiwi is not in such a good shape, she was totally dizzy when she got out from the cage but hopefully it will be fine later on and she will get back to her crazy activity.

If you as well wanna help some cats, you can over check here.
Bonne journée à vous!

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