Monday, January 28, 2013

Sweden on the edge (or very very close)

Don't think that my choice to stay in Sweden has been free of argues and disagreements with my parents. Indeed, at the first glance, they did not really understand, especially regarding my education, why I wanted to settle down in Sweden, why I wanted to take all these risks while I got very good opportunities back in France. Indeed, my education (here we speak about the diploma, my intelligence and my culture is an other area... we agree? ok right) is rather ok I would say. I got three masters, finished first in each of my diplomas and even got twice the price of my best thesis for two of my masters... So as you can see, even though I would not claim myself like a clever person, let's just say, that I like school and school likes me.
Last September, I went back to France for one month, just in order to see my family and to plan a bit my forthcoming life. Surprisingly and without doing anything in this lapse of time 4 job offers came to me and I have to admit they were quite descent for a start.
However, I did not feel any excitements in these offers: no interests, no passion and even worse no challenges. So, while my parents were trying to convince me to stay in France - I am pretty sure they were even close to make a powerpoint or a prezi (geeks...big up!) - I decided to expose them my reasons why I craved to move away from France. Putting aside the aspects upon challenges, passion, interest, love, money and so on... I wanted to reassure them by proving that Sweden is not only a cold country lead by blond (hot and tall humain being) or vikings. Indeed, they were quite surprised to learn that Sweden is actually one of the most innovative country in the world and that the business opportunities are all over, you just need to stay attune and alert (and speak Swedish also, that can give a small hand).

For instance, we bet that you did not know that the three-point seat belt, the cardiac pacemaker, HIV tracker, Tetra Pak, Ultrasound, Micro IP, the zipper, black liquor, ball bearing and and and THE FIRST HOUSE ON THE MOON (Not yet, but very soon, I promise) are Swedish. Did you know that guys???? No/Yes, anyway ==> Amazingggggggggggggggggggg!

I even told my parents that they shouldn't worry because I will have at least H&M to get dress, Ikea for my furnitures, Spotify to listen music, and of course Skype to speak with them. Yes guys, all of them also come from Sweden...

Ouffffffffff now I am sure my parents feel more released (hopefully).

Bonne nuit folks!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Finishing the week with my favorite dish

Sunday night = home made pizza, especially since this weekend was quite though and that I need to start the week in a good "shape" and productive mood. So what is better than eating my favorite dish???
Just for your culture (even though I am sure many of you know it), the pizza finds its roots in Italy.Yes but where??? Do you know that? Well you have to go to the south actually and more precisely in Naples (check hereunder to locate the town) in the year 997. Since, the pizza is famous all over the world and has been declined in many recipes.

However, it is claimed that there is only two true and basic pizza. Just for you (I know I am nice), here are the recipes:
- pizza marinara: tomato, garlic, oregano, and extra virgin olive oil.
- pizza margherita: tomato, sliced mozzarella, basil and extra virgin olive oil

And actually, there is even some pizzerias around Italy that serves only these two one, whose the most famous pizzeria Da Michele.

Bon appétit!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Getting sick, getting candies...

We should never leave the sickness drag us down...
I wanted to have a lovely weekend, I will have one, no matter what... and candies will come and rescue me!

I am a big fan of candies and chocolate, especially since my father run  a business of chocolate, candies, biscuits and ice cream during my childhood. I have always been interested in these sweetness but actually I never thought about a crucial question. Who invented the candy? When did the first candy appear? (The answer - or not - in the following part :p)

I checked out several websites, but no precise agreements seem to come up regarding these aforementioned questions... Indeed, I found out that the first candy would have appear a long long long long long long long long long long long time ago, namely the prehistoric age, while the caveman decided to use honey as a the first candy. However in other sources, they claim that candies appears a thousand year B.C. while other argue for the 13th century or even the 17th century, then created for the French Royal Court.
In my opinion, I will rather take position to the fact that nobody agreed yet on the definition of a "candy", namely in french: Bonbon (Good Good). Candies gather a large variety of definition and of products, such as chocolate, chocolate bars, licorice, marshallows, salty/sour candies, gummies...or even nuts (Weird...I know :/ ).

Anyway, the only agreement we can shape here, is that nowadays, there is no specific studies enabling to define and to frame the confectionery market value. For some, the value is by $150 billion while the chocolate industry is over $83 billion and keeps growing. If anyone, has more relevant data regarding this industry, I would appreciate if you forward it to me to update the page.

If you wish to extend your knowledge in candies, the candy industry website is made for you.

Yummmmmy, and watch out the sugar rush!

Ps: Eating candies and chocolate while watching "Charlie and the chocolate factory", is priceless!

How to get the life you wish for...

Since I am in Sweden, we cannot really say that my life goes as I expected it, so I decided to make a big change in order to improve it, and to do what I wish to be: I bought the Sims 3 (very rational choice as you can guess).
Actually, the SIMS are one of the most successful video games of all times, selling more than 150 millions of copies around the globe (without couting the pirate version ofc) and holding no more than 5 world recordg in the Guinness World Records book, whose the one for being the "best selling PC games of all times" overcoming - from very far - mythics games such as Half-Life, Minecraft, Battlefield or Myst. Even more impressive is the fact that on the top 10 of the best selling PC video games of all times, the two first rank are for "The Sims 2" and "The Sims" while "The Sims 3" is ranked 7th, leaving therefore few rooms for its competitors...

Well, right now, I just need to get my finger crossed and hoped for reaching the same success...


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Getting a cat from a shelter

Interesting fact for you actually, do you know what is the first country in terms of cat population? As a clue, the amount of cat overcomes the amount of inhabitants in France of 15% and is 8 times more than Sweden population. Indeed, the amount of cat for this country is over 76 millions, and belongs to the...USA (like always first in many area, even the most ludicrous one). USA, whose results is one cat out of four inhabitants, is followed by China (53 millions), Russia and Brazil (12 millions) and France (9 millions).
Regarding Sweden, the ratio is one cat for six inhabitants (1.6 million), and the number of shelters increased drastically this last ten years.

That's the reason why I decided to get a cat from a shelter, rather than to get one on some random websites. Actually I even paid to get her (1000kr). I guess this money allows the running of the shelter and it even included the castration surgery. So that was pretty cool, not having anything to do, since everything was fixed. However, when I left my cat (Kiwi) this morning to the veterinarian for the castration I did not really like it. Even though it's a simple surgery, i have bad memories of veterinarians. Last time I went there, it was two years ago, and it's a bad memory for me. Indeed, I had to euthanize my German shepherd (RIP Sissi) because of a cancer. She already had a surgery 3 years ago but the tumor came back and that time there was no other solution, so very sad time for me and my family. Anyway, now lilla Kiwi is not in such a good shape, she was totally dizzy when she got out from the cage but hopefully it will be fine later on and she will get back to her crazy activity.

If you as well wanna help some cats, you can over check here.
Bonne journée à vous!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A child for god sake, a CHILD!!!!

Spoilerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr: Do not go (yet) at the end of this article!

This day sounded like a nice day, and got a very good start actually... But ofc, it's always the same, you need to screw it up. This time this is Whatsapp fault. I was texting with a German friend when I told him that I liked his profile picture but that I did not know he had a son (Ok now I am sure you see the mistake coming)... Hereunder is what happened next...

So reminder for next time, whatever if it's a conversation on whatsapp, facebook, google +, family picture, real life and so on...... say instead a son or a daughter, a child, a C.H.I.L.D!!!! You will avoid huge mistake instead.

Anyway, big up for my friend who is not angry at me :). I think I owe him a beer when he will come over!

And you what would you have answered actually?


Meat is expensive in Sweden

Yesterday evening a friend passed by, but I did not really know what to cook. I got some porc in the fridge, since actually this is one of the cheapest meat that i found...even though it costs approximately 6€ per kilo...
I guess that in Sweden it's normal price, but coming from France, for that price you can get way much better meat. Ofc, I know that we are 8 times bigger than Sweden, and therefore it is one of the reason of the price, however, I really wonder how the supply chain works here in Sweden for meat...

Ohhh just in case you wanna know, my guest made the desert and that was really good. She took frozen strawberry and mixed it with avocado in order to do like a sorbet. Was really good and easy to make...maybe an idea for you!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Shit!!!! Since I have been living in Sweden, i never regretted my decision to change my life. However, if there is one thing that I actually do miss, it's without hesitating, the weather and especially during winter.
Ok, it's, on one hand, very pleasant to get snow (especially for me since in my area i perhaps seen it twice in all my life...) but on the other hand, it's f* cold. When I go out I look like a bonhomme michelin and I cannot do anything else that complaining about the cold! I am really looking forward for the sun and already get ready to take out my BBQ!

à bientôt les copains!

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Precious!!!!

Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok it perhaps sounds a bit desesperate, but seriously i feel so released to finally get this personal number. Just to draw you a brief picture of the importance it has to my eyes. Do you all remember Golum? I guess yes! But just in case, and only for people still living in the 18th century (even though i doubt then that you read this article), he is  a key character in Lord of the Rings. Got it now? Good...but whatever! 
Golum got the ring as his precious, well, for me, the personnummer is definitely like my PRECIOUS. Indeed, i could finally open a phone line, a bank account and therefore receive my pay checks for the last two months. Awesome isn't it???? But just crazy how life can be difficult and dotted of pitfalls without these 12 numbers.
Next step: Lära sig svenska :)